A Love letter to Chicago

In this project my peers and I were tasked with creating a final collection with the theme being “A love letter to Chicago”. As a class we went to the Chicago History Museum for research and inspiration purposes, and as I wandered through the archives I was drawn to more of the violence that took place in the city. I ultimately decided to personalize the project and turn it into a tribute to the survivors of Chicago.

Spring 2024

Chicago History Museum

Concept Statement

Being from Chicago, I have no love for the city. When walking through the museum I was drawn to a lot of the injustice and violence behind Chicago. I’ve personally seen the beauty of community when these violent acts take place. Moreover, through my project I intend shed light on just a few overlooked acts of violence that took place here in Chicago. After extensive research on Chicago’s “The Walking Man”, “Man accused of sexually assaulting teen on CTA train”, “14-year-old shot and killed on Chicago’s West Side”, and extensive interviews with S/A and abuse victims, without further adieu, here’s my tribute to Chicago’s Survivors.

Mood Board

Consumer Board

Concept Board

My target marketing audience would be considered upper middle class, with interest in art, activism, and fashion. They enjoy slow mornings- browsing Vouge catalogs, with coffee or tea. They’re in their late 20’s – early 30’s, are getting settled in their careers as Art Curators, Art Directors, or Fashion Marketing directors and possibly planning the start of their family.

Process Photos

Jacket slopers fully cut and ready to be tested in muslin.


Here I have the initial mock up of the jacket pattern for look 1 which includes 2 patch pockets on the chest, single welt pockets, and a drop shoulder sleeve.


Here’s my pattern making for the skirt of the second look off the project. I didn’t have a sloper in my models size so I needed to grade the skirt a size bigger, so I captured some stills of my process


The sample skirt needed no further alteration as far as fit. All that was left for this was make decisions on stylistic details to tie in the cohesiveness of the piece to the whole collection.


Final Piece(s)

Acrylic molded top with a corset backing and leather mini- skirt, accompanied with a waxed denim jacket and pant.

When Dress Meets Body

Commission Work

Shea Coulee T-Shirt Challenge

Chicago Gourmet Week X The Tie Bar